Thursday, March 1, 2012

Invisible Shoes

I am a member of The Barefoot Runner and they had this contest to win, Invisible Shoes and I won! I couldnt believe it, but it was true. They sent me the shoes and let me tell you, the service was great, Steven Sashen was really helpful.
I made a video of the unboxing and first impressions, but I have to wait to upload it, because I have limited internet.
So I will try to write minor updates on here and then make videos showing and telling how the week went.
Feburary 29 I got the package and ran 1K. Not much to it.
March 1st, Ran 7k and most was through puddles of water. They felt great. The laces responded well too.
What else would you guys like to know?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Against the Wind

Running against the wind is no fun at all. Especially if there is water and sand blowing in your face. And even worse when you’re barefoot.
I went out that day, planning on an 8k jog at a 6 minute per kilometer pace, in the wind, barefoot. It was mainly to learn how to keep a pace during uneven weather. So I went and by first K, I was around 4:45. Too fast.
2k came by and time was about 10:00. Still too fast. 3k...15:00. I’m jogging and going at the consistent 5 minute pace. This is great(Read this to understand why so great). I had decided to maintain that 5 minute pace. 6k came around and time was 40:10. Time was good, but I couldn’t make it to 8k mark. The wind made me push off the ground, causing blisters to form on the ball of my foot.
All in all, I learned that Mother Nature is the greatest work out.  Running against the wind = make you faster. Running up a hill = make you faster. Running = makes you faster.

My story.

When I moved to Uruguay, I did not know anyone. I barely knew the language. I didn’t know where I was. So I didn’t do anything during the school year(March-October-ish). Until I was told about a race. Race by Reebok, a 10k. I had not practice at all for the race, yet I ran it. I ran it wearing shoes and I didn’t stop to walk, that’s when I knew I was a runner. I was able to run a 10k without ANY practice. I finished in 65 minutes. 
Then a month later, a race by Nike, also a 10k. I had done little practice, here and there, but nothing really serious. Race day came and when I ran, I felt GREAT. In pain with shin splints, but besides that, great. I finished in 53 minutes. I ran more than 10 minutes faster. I was born to run.
In the Nike race, ran another man, let’s call him Jimmy. Jimmy is about 2 times older than me and is a friend of my moms. He ran the race in 52 minutes. 1 freaking minute faster.
I had decided to get serious and start running daily. But then again, I hated running because of the pain. I did my research decided that barefoot running was the way to go. Now my jogging speed, is about a 50 min 10k.  

Saturday, February 18, 2012


So basically Adsense gives you money and stuff. Theres more to it, but they put ads on your page and you make money. More popular you are, more money.
So Ive had it on my Youtube for about 5 months and Ive make 50 cents...Im not so popular.
I put it on here, and im sorry about all the ads. Just ignore them or click on them.
Maybe I can make a dollar :D

Finding Your Pace

I feel like pace should be top on your running list, cause it has a great importance like form, breathing and others.
When first running, your pace might be so slow, that you minus well be walking. It doesnt matter if youre going slow or not, just keep the same speed for as long as possible.
Last night I went out for a run in the city. My city is filled with hills. Up and down, up and down. I like to run there because of the hills. Well technically its just a street in the city, but it has a lot of hills.
SO last night I found my pace. It was about ~38min 8k pace. Slow, but very consistent.
Now I have to try to find my 'flat land' pace, hopefully it will be faster(:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Too Much Too Soon.

Oh precious nubs. You think you know it all. So you go out for a 20 min barefoot run your first day and come home crying...Yeah that never happened to me....>.>
But really, be wise. If youre going to begin, take your time. It has nothing to do with the running making you tired, but hurting your feet. Cause blisters hurt, a lot!
You run 5 minutes then put your shoes on, or slip on five fingers, or even some huaraches.
And have fun. People look at running like a chore. Its not. Unless youre practicing for a race..then it gets serious...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Update on sickness

Im still sick. Now I have a light cold with headaches.
Ive tried running, but its not as fun when your head hurts and you have youre carrying tissues just in case.
I hope this is over so I can go run on some glass xD.
I plan on running on a road full of glass barefoot to see if i get cut or anything. (Dont worry I have it all figured out).

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I Am Sick.
Not much to it. I dont really feel like running today.
Hope its over by tomorrow.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Story of the Lost Five Fingers

It all started in November when I heard about the barefoot phenomenon and Born to Run.
I had decided to change my way of life and go barefoot. To feel the world like it was meant to be felt.
But my Mom felt the exact opposite. She didnt want me to go barefoot on these dirty, flesh eating bacterial streets.
So I did my research and I came across the Vibram Five Fingers. They were like shoes that werent shoes.
My mom agreed to them and decided to get me some, so she went online and bought me the cheapest pair she could find. The package was sent to my grandmas house in New Jersey. It wasnt sent to me, because I live in Montevideo, Uruguay, South America.
When the shoes got there, my grandma didnt listen to my mom and sent it to us without insurance or priority, Since its known for things to be stolen out of American borders. So 2 months go by and nothing. We desperately try to look for the package, but they said it was in New York. A week ago we said, 'Screw it'. BUT 2 days ago, my grandma calls us and says, "Mijo! Tengo los zapatos!". She said that she had the shoes...The postal service sent back the package since it had never shipped.
Thank you postal service<3

Friday, February 10, 2012

Just in case.

To any beginner barefoot runners:
ALWAYS carry extra, Just In Case.
On a hot day, bring a bottle of water even if your going around the block.
On a barefoot run, bring huaraches or Five Fingers, incase you get too tired or your feet hurt.
Remember that its always better to be safer than sorry.

Running on glass

I went out on a run today and I ran through the city streets. The street was completely empty but there was so many broken pieces of glass. They were small, but glass is glass.
Well I ran and ran thinking my feet would bleed, but when I checked, my feet were perfect. They had no scratches.
The fact that I ran light and with an OK form, my feet didnt have much friction with the ground, making it so the glass wouldnt cut me.
Little glass= Sketchy.
Big glass= NO

First Blog Entry

Im new to blogging so cut me some slack.(:

A couple days ago I received an email saying that I won a pair of Invisible Shoes(Huaraches), so I decided to make a blog with my barefoot experiences.

I have been running barefoot since late December 2011 and since then, I have either been barefoot, in flip-flops, or in my homemade huaraches.